P.O.BOX 659
Superior First Class Modern Hotel
Centrally located 140 kms to the nearest airport (dubai)
Check rates
Independent Report
lobbySmall in size with a small seating area , and light colour reception desk with
a long path leading to the open area of the shore .
generalThis is very nice hotel with a fantastic location very suitable for holidays
and weekend breaks, the hotel offer a wide verities of entertainment for the
guests to enjoy their stay .RD10/06
exteriorModern light colour building surrounded with a big tress all over
restaurantHotel main restaurant located in the middle of the hotel compound area
surrounded with trees , serving traditional and continental menus
roomsMedium in size well decorated with a small seating area , nice curtain and bed
clothing dressing table & ceramic bath
location45 km from Fujairah city located on the golden Eastern coast of the Emirates
Map to Hotel
© gta 2006