Keizersgracht 713-715
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The hotel is only reachable via a steep staircase but when you arrive in the lobby, which also houses the breakfast room, you see a lovely, bright and large room with marble fireplace, cornicing and sash windows which are original features of this grand building, built in the 17th century.
This is a very basic hotel converted from what used to be a grand building with some of its original features still entact. However, probably the most redeeming feature of this hotel is its fantastic location although the owners have recently repainted all the rooms and have brought in new furniture in the breakfast room so is being upgraded as we speak.
A beautiful, traditional exterior in keeping with the rest of the buildiings on this beautiful gracht (canal)
The hotel has no restaurant but its breakfast room is also the reception area and overlooks the beautiful gracht. This is a traditional, grand building with lovely features such as marble fireplaces and sash windows although these are not taken advantage of.
The bedrooms are very basic but have all recently been painted and wooden panelling added. All the sheets and towels have also been renewed giving this once tired property a new lease of life.
This property has an excellent location in the city centre of Amsterdam, on the beautiful Keizersgracht, and around the corner from the world renowned Rembrandtsplein, with its bars, restaurants, coffee shops and nightclubs.

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